Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mindless Entertainment: Brave New World

On thursday we discussed different value statements that stuck out in the book. The one statement I felt strongly about was the one that stated that people who engage in mindless entertainments aren't distracted by world issues.

I don't believe that the people who enage themselves in activites like t.v., video games and other online games tend to keep them away from thinking about world problems or inequality. I feel that tv and video games takes the world problems and incorporate them into their games or tv programs. Their are video games that adress drug problems and street violence. There are also several shows that will talk about the worldly issues and try to reach the younger viewers.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Brave New World

I thought this book painted a extreme picture of what the future could possibly be. When I first got into the book I noticed the cruel things the Alpha's did to the baby fetus's. They did this in order to create different castes. The lower class fetus's were treated poorly. I thought that this was sick and unsual. In no world is this right. Although the people in the book were relatively happy with what caste they were in, they just simply didn't know what a better life was. They were never given a chance.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Clockwork Orange

I thought this book was very interesting. You really had to pay close attention to what was said because the slang was very difficult to understand. This book wasn't my favorite but it definately made me think. I liked when we had the exercise in class that asked the main questions in the book. I thought hearing everyone elses opinions, helped me better understand the book.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I thought that I wasn't going to enjoy reading the book Feed but it actually was an interesting book. It brought up some issues that could possibly effect us in the future. The first couple of pages were hard getting used to because of the slang that was used. After getting into it the slang became easier to understand. The feed in the book creates a huge controversy. Some people believe that the feed has taken over people's minds and their indivduality. In the novel they also discuss the environmental changes. The earth has completely changed. Every house has its own little bubble with it's own sun and seasons. This protrays that we will have troubles with our Ozone layer and the oxygen provided. I thought this book was very interesting and it opened my eyes to what the future may hold.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dumb Generation

I know it might be insulting to say that we are the dumbest generation but I honestly think its true. With the new advancements in technology, everything is handed to us without even using our brain. The internet is the power house of all of our answers. If you need to read a book and write a report on it, you easily can get online and get a book summary and bullshit the report. My parents told me that when they were in college they had to research using textbooks and it took them several weeks to write a research paper. I think that since my parents had to do actual work and reasearch without the internet they became more educated.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Over the past week my eyes were opened to a different side of the media. Most people are exposed to many advertisements a day and don't really take a good look to see what they truely have to say. On Tuesday we watched a video exposing the sexist side of advertisements. It showed all the ads that portray women as objects and showed men being overpowering to the women. These ads are mostly ment to catch the male eye. Then in the video they brought up an excellent point. Males would never be advertised the way women are. There is a higher standard for women in today's society, then there is men. For most women they are vulnerable to these ads and feel they need to fit the mold of the super models.

Friday, January 29, 2010


"What quality exsist in these transactions,"

Over the past few days I have engaged in conversations using my cell phone and over facebook. I would consider these conversations a quick way to send a message, rather than having a in depth conversation. I enjoy texting and messaging on facebook as much as every other college student, but when I really want to catch up with a close friend I'd rather do it in person or over the phone. I enjoy having the personal contact with them and seeing facial expressions and such.


After reading the passage "Noise" in Culture Jam, I noticed that my everyday life consists of a great deal of noise. When I really thought about the noise around me, I heard things I would of never heard before. I noticed all the little "White" noise, that most people tune out. I heard the soft noise from the air vents and even the whistle of the wind blowing. Then came the more obvious noises, such as cell phones and the television. With the amount of noise we experience on an everyday basis I can understand why we tend to develop hearing problems later in life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hey! My name is Meagan. I am a sophomore and I am a communications/ journalism major. I play lacrosse here at Ship. I am a defender and my lacrosse number is 4.