Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mindless Entertainment: Brave New World

On thursday we discussed different value statements that stuck out in the book. The one statement I felt strongly about was the one that stated that people who engage in mindless entertainments aren't distracted by world issues.

I don't believe that the people who enage themselves in activites like t.v., video games and other online games tend to keep them away from thinking about world problems or inequality. I feel that tv and video games takes the world problems and incorporate them into their games or tv programs. Their are video games that adress drug problems and street violence. There are also several shows that will talk about the worldly issues and try to reach the younger viewers.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Brave New World

I thought this book painted a extreme picture of what the future could possibly be. When I first got into the book I noticed the cruel things the Alpha's did to the baby fetus's. They did this in order to create different castes. The lower class fetus's were treated poorly. I thought that this was sick and unsual. In no world is this right. Although the people in the book were relatively happy with what caste they were in, they just simply didn't know what a better life was. They were never given a chance.